Turning BlackLight On.
Hallelujah! Cheers! Ku-chi Ku-chi! Mama-mia!
Welcome to BlackLight.
The first thing that I, Gustave Oon King Chuan, will clarify is why our site is www.blacklightblog.co.nr instead of simply blacklight.co.nr. Try typing out that link and see where it takes you. For the convenience of others, and to make this first post longer and more significant, the reason is because an Otaku (Anime fan) has taken the site. Apparantly, blacklight is a manga(jap comic, not fruit). It is classified under 'Yaoi', also known as 'gay anime pornography'. A certain member of BlackLight could, and probably would, give a very detailed explaination.
The reason why we had to settle for .co.nr is because it costs money to get a nice domain name. And being the chaepskates that we are, we decided to split the RM50 7 ways if, and only if, we are getting enough traffic and interest from you. That's right. BlackLight(blog) is where YOU matter. Without you, we can't spell success...Then again, we also can't spell underwear, underaged-sex, unicorn, UFOs, SuXX0R$, and my name. This is where you get your chance to share your, hopefully brilliant, opinions with other angry teenagers/ schizophrenics/ coulrophiliacs.
Siew Wai Hung, also known as Sharp(ask him to tell you the story on a fine, dark, stormy day), is in charge of the technicalities of BlackLight(blog). Probably because he's the only one who knows the difference between URL, HTML, Java, CoffeeBean and Starbucks.
Aiman Ceaser( i think its an 's'), Aqram Pref, Hafiz EffOne, Berlyn Estrada, and Lianne Le Tit ia, are the other admins/mods/GODs/GMs of BlackLight(blog). We are currently thinking of a better word for an entity who has complete ultimate control over a realm.
Berlyn and Lianne will be joining us after SPM 2006. However, this information is irrelevant as most of you will be reading this in the far-off year of 2007.
Each week or so, a Master Admin will be selected by Lat-la-li-tam-pong. The MA will decide what topic the other AT (Angry teenagers) will blog about. Hung will set-up a forum area for all you oh-so-important-add-money-making humans where you can comment about posts, start your own discussions, rant about teachers, or vote for your favourite Admin, whose name starts with the letter 'G'.
Ah Beng inspired words such as :
LOLOLXXX (extreme laughing)
kekekeke (choking while laughing)
Haiz...so sienz (transfering boredom to others)
ZZzzz (power napping, usually in front of the computer after one has been rebuttaled or humiliated)
ZZzzzZZZzzZZZzZZZ (EXTREME power napping, also usually in front of the computer after one has been rebuttaled or humiliated)
swt (sweating)
-_-" (power sweating)
SWT -_-""""" (EXTREME DEHYDRATION power sweating, usually when one does not understand a joke or topic)
...are the mortal enemies of Aiman, who happens to blog very often in his toilet via kind, yet oblivious, nieghbours' wireless internet connections, and I who will call upon the dark powers of Santa and Beelzebub to see to it that Beng-ers are rewarded accordingly.
Keep sexxings and profanities to a minimum. For only We may swear in the name of random people such as J.K.Rupiah.
Tell your friends and family, even if you only see them during Raya or Chinese New Year to collect money.
Remember the name - BlackLightBlog.co.nr
Its a blog, Call On New Ranters, CONR.
BlackLight - Shedding some light on the bright side of life.
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