Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The final curtain for the 2006 Victorian Drama Team...

...preparing a speech for 2 months, practising your movements for 1 month, staying back until 5pm on weekdays...

Some people call it insanity...

...We call it drama.

"...It is easy to make an audience laugh, that's entertainment, but there are different levels of entertainment, and to bring an audience to such a level, is just truly magnificent! And that is why, the champions of the 2006 INTI Drama Competition is......"

The memories of shouting, screaming, yelling, crying, swearing sessions of drama practice flooded into my mind. Moi getting poked at by the rest of us for having an unhealthy obsession to a particular 2-dimensional girl...Jack floating into school looking like he scored last night...Sean, Richard and Avinash trodding into the Bestari room while arguing about which add-maths method is more efficient...and most of all...the walks down petaling street with Ms.Shanti after drama training...

...Yes, I'm sure gonna miss those times.

After being ranked second by a certain fuckwad biased chief judge who has his head stuck way up his ass, the VI drama team got invited to Actor Studio Bangsar on the 29th of June along with CBN to settle the score with the Visiting Wanks.(wangsa melawati)

However, I (yes, i know i don't refer to myself in the first person often) somehow didn't feel the "Oomph" I did last year. Or even the same Oomph at SEA Forensics. The script, which Moi and I spent 2 weeks adapting, was suited for everyone to participate. It was laden with sappy moral values to stick up a chief judge's face. It certainly wasn't something what we call "a winning script", but was it better than that of the visiting wanks? We will find out.

This feeling, could be felt by most of the other team members...

However, being the enthusiastic director that he is, Moi kept his spirit and determination, but somewhere deep down inside, he knew that we did in fact stoop DOWN to kementerian level and threw in some soppy moral values. Those who acted last year knew...Wilson, Moi, John, Ismail, Jack, Alex...

The team was short of a cock...a BIG one. Shoby battousai is not here! :) As I recall..."...Look at that la. Oh fuck!"
And the "fuck" was luoder than the "la".

Moi was probably the one who kept our hopes alive.......only for it to be butchered to kingdom johnny cum!
But, be glad that we saw the Wanks perform. In all that is dramatic and exxegerated... WE LOST TO --->THAT?!<---
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! ONE BIG JOKE! That's all I have to say bout the Wanks.

At least now we know that we DID in fact do all that we could to win, except please the retard kementerian chief judge. XP
And hey! We'll never forget all the "poke Memo's boobs" moments, right? AND we had a killer "Mr.Kee" scene, no?
And SOMEONE forgot his lines....."Its....its...its...its the flies!" :P I WILL remember that, you know who you are!


Worst case scenario: We lowered our standard for kementerian. No INTI invitation for us next year.
Best case scenario: Minimalist, Best of the Best only for next years team.


"...and that's why, the champions of the 2006 INTI Drama Competition is Canvas from DJ!"

We did our best. We potong steam-ed some wanks. We had fun.

-------------------------------------No regrets--------------------------------------
(except maybe we should have played with Memo's boobies more)


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