The Perfect Prefects
In this age that is dominated by freedom, democracy and peace, thank God for VI prefects to maintain the balance of Dictatorship.
The prefects of Victoria Institution rule with a fist of iron and a loud and thunderous scream. Thier favourite prey? Form 1 students. But they abuse form 3's and 4's to keep in shape. This is absolutely neccesery to ensure that there is an aura of hatred, fear, and hell in the school. Without this, school would ACTUALLY seem like a nice place!
Prefects are our role models. They people who we look up to...unfortunately some prefects are so short that I have to squat in order to do that. Anyway, it's not thier apperance that matters. Although they wear lots of WHITE to cover up thier BLACK's almost like a metafore! Some say "Do not judge a book by its cover" In VI...The "Book's contents" are much "better" than its cover. It is full of anger, hatred, abuse, egoism, dictatorship and pure asshole-ness. These are the values that are much lacking in society! It's up to the VI prefects to cultivate such ....unique values! Without them, the school would be in order and boring. For it is the prefects who.....stir up trouble. This is actually helpful! For you will learn how to tolerate, or rather, ignore such people when you go out into the "real" world.
Usually you would greet someone with a boring and lame "hi","hello" or even "how do you do?" The prefects however, found a more "interesting" and unique way of greeting fellow human beings! "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" was the first thing Syamir, a prefect, said to me. This turns and ordinary boring greeting into a more blood-pumping verbal assault! How fun it is! By the way, don't be surprised when a prefect of VI grabs you by your collar. It is a "greeting"...instead of a normal, whimpish handshake.
Being a prefect is one of the best things that can possibly happen to you! First of all, you get the authority to verbally, physically.....and even sexually abuse students! Plus the teachers will congratulate you for making life a living hell for the students and leaving them with scars! You will lose all of your friends, and be independent and self-reliant! No more friends to waste your time on! All the more time to spend on satifying your sadistic needs! Ah! A prefects life is god-like in VI.
Prefects are necessary in a school just as clowns are necessary in a circus. We must stop hating them and learn to laugh at them!